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- Corey Shields: 2007-03-22
- The only constant in the world is change. I am about to make a major change in my life, which will mean a change for the OSL as well. In early April I will be taking an I.T. Management role with Global Netoptex, Inc. down in San Jose, California. GNi is a [...]
- Corey Shields: 2007-03-22
- This is “awesome” and there really is no other way to describe it. This past term, OSU offered a “Special Topics in Open Source” course in the CS program. Taught by Dr. Tim Budd, the course focused on covering a wide variety of aspects in open source, from the business end to licensing [...]
- Corey Shields: 2007-02-19
- Sometimes it’s easier to climb a mountain (Tetons in this case) than to run an open source project, but I’ve got a couple of tips on how to do it right. I’ll give them to you quickly and then expound: Create and maintain a goal-oriented organizational structure Invite and keep people who work well together, don’t [...]
- Corey Shields: 2007-01-11
- I wrote up a review back when Drupal 4.7 was released and we used it to redesign osuosl.org. Drupal 5 is just around the corner, and having some time on my hands I took my old domain coreyshields.com and tried Drupal 5 RC1. To do it justice I won’t go into details, as it [...]
- Brandon Philips: 2007-01-10
- This is assignment zero, a brief biography, written for Dr. Budd’s CS419 and CS480. Enjoy! Part of my decision for coming to Oregon State was that my Debian install had automatically chosen ftp.oregonstate.edu as the fastest mirror available. The message this sent me as a high school student was that OSU, our at [...]
- Corey Shields: 2007-01-04
- Most major open source projects have a position of “release coordinator”. In most cases this coordination is purely internal, and each project works their releases differently. What remains constant across the spectrum is that each project hits a release, and people want the new release. In many cases, these releases are planned, [...]
- Corey Shields: 2006-12-17
- On Thursday of last week the pacific northwest suffered some massive winds coming from a large system that passed through. We are talking winds clocked up to 114 MPH. Power went out for most people, and unfortunately for some people the power is still out. Power to campus went out around 8:00 at night, [...]
- Corey Shields: 2006-11-28
- So I was rushing to install a dell blade today (Poweredge 1855) and couldn’t get the Gentoo LiveCD to boot. I had a hard time finding the solution through normal search means, so I’m posting this here in the hopes that someday when someone searches for “dell blade gentoo livecd” they find the solution: at [...]
- Scott Kveton: 2006-11-14
- Congrats go to Corey and the rest of the OSL crew for winning the InfoWorld 100 Award for Education. With the rackathon humming along, the new data center on-line and lots of hosted projects, the OSL continues to do amazingly awesome things. I’m really glad to see them continuing to thrive and I’m sure they [...]
- Corey Shields: 2006-10-31
- Thanks Mozilla! It’s nice to be appreciated! (the screenshot above is from the Firefox 2.0 credits) In return, we would like to show a bit of the effect that the Firefox 2.0 release had on us. I’ve got 2 videos each spanning the first 24 hours of the release, showing the global hits [...]
- Corey Shields: 2006-10-21
- In many stories on cnn this past week, they mentioned that the United States population has reached 300 million. Now, I didn’t do too well in high school geography (I loved the class, but it was the first class of the day so I was still waking up). Somehow I’ve just never paid much [...]
- Mike Morgan: 2006-09-29
- The OSU Open Source Lab has been good for open source. In my time there I learned about what makes open source tick, and that it’s not some mysterious cloud of elitist developers, but rather a group of people just like you and me who work hard everyday to keep things going and end [...]
- Corey Shields: 2006-09-01
- Driving home yesterday I felt a second wind of energy and wanted to fix dinner for my wife (I knew her plans would be to order pizza by the way her day was going). I had about a 15 minute drive into town before hitting the grocery store, and I could not come [...]
- Mike Morgan: 2006-09-01
- As I’ve gone farther down the road I’ve learned the value of testing. My first introduction to unit testing was through JUnit in a Java project I worked on last year. Now, there has been a recent push for testing in PHP web apps that used to be homegrown in the worst ways [...]
- Scott Kveton: 2006-06-08
- I wanted to let people know that as of June 30th, 2006 I’ll no longer be working at the OSL. I’m moving on to head up a company in Portland called JanRain, Inc. You can read more about it from OSU’s press release. I want to make it clear this is an amicable split [...]