The Oregon State University Open Source Lab is proud to provide custom hosting and mirroring services to the following open source projects and communities.
Ångström was started by a small group of people who worked on the OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus and OpenSimpad projects to unify their effort to make a stable and user-friendly distribution for embedded devices like handhelds, set-top boxes and network-attached storage devices and more.The OSL hosts their Narcissus Image Builder via the project.

Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation manages the development of many open source software packages, most notably the Apache Web server. The OSL provides hosting for portions of the Apache Software Foundation's operational infrastructure.

BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system. The OSL hosts the BusyBox and uClibc development and public-facing websites.

Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDtool's data storage and graphing functionality. Cacti provides a fast poller, advanced graph templating, multiple data acquisition methods and user management features out of the box. All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that makes sense for LAN-sized installations up to complex networks with hundreds of devices. The OSL hosts the Cacti website along with secondary DNS, seconday MX and other miscellaneous services.

Caos Linux
Caos is a Linux distribution optimized for desktop use and efficiency. They currently release for x86_64 and i386-based hardware. This is one of the many applications produced by the Caosity group. The OSL hosts the resources behind the Caos Linux distribution.

CentOS is an enterprise-class Linux distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100 percent binary compatible. CentOS as a project has grown many fold over the last few years and with this added growth has come the extra responsibility of making sure we have good reliable services that stay available 24/7. This is just the problem that OSUOSL's hosting facilities helps us address – they are available, professionally run and have a very competent team of people. Keeping this in mind, it is at OSUOSL that we are building our level-1 backup and long-term disaster recovery site.

CiviCRM is an open source and free-for-download constituent relationship management solution. CiviCRM is Web-based, open source, internationalized and designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups. Integration with both Drupal and Joomla! content management systems gives you the tools to connect, communicate and activate your supporters and constituents. The OSL hosts much of the infrastructure for CiviCRM including the main website, the demo server, the documentation server and discussion forums.

CONNECT is an open source software solution that lets health information technology systems and health information exchanges securely communicate with each other using nationally-recognized standards and guidelines. By using CONNECT, information can be easily shared among IT systems at doctors' offices, federal agencies, state agencies, disability organizations, pharmacies, payors and other health stakeholders, making it possible for information to follow patients. CONNECT enables health information exchange within an organization, regionally and at the national level using the Nationwide Health Information Network conventions and standards. The OSL serves as a main mirror for CONNECT downloads and hosts the CONNECT community website.

Crosstool-NG aims at making it easy to build cross-toolchains for many architectures, using the traditional FLOSS components (gcc, binutils, glibc, uClibc, etc.) and offering a lot of configuration options. While the process of building a toolchain can look like black magic, crosstool-NG automates that process with a set of scripts and patches in an easy-to-follow flow, so the user understands what is happening and why it is happening.

Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux is a distribution known for its stability and roots in the free software philosophy. The OSL hosts the server for, along with some of their internal infrastructure. We also have development environments for MIPS, PPC, SPARC and Alpha ports.

Deluge is a full-featured BitTorrent client for Linux, Unix and Windows. It uses libtorrent in its back end and PyGTK for its user interface. Deluge features a rich plugin collection; in fact, most of Deluge's functionality is available in the form of plugins. The OSL hosts the Deluge website, code repository and development website and also hosts Deluge downloads on the lab's FTP mirror.

Drupal is a PHP-based content management system used in many installations worldwide, along with quite a few here at OSU. Drupal needed assistance with a Web server that was crippled under the load of its own popularity. With the financial help of Drupal's users, the OSL has built a cluster for Drupal's websites that can scale along with the growth of its userbase.

DSpace is the software of choice for academic, non-profit and commercial organizations building open digital repositories. It is free and easy to install "out of the box" and completely customizable to fit the needs of any organization. The OSL hosts the subversion code repository for the DSpace project.

Eclipse Communication Framework
The Eclipse Communication Framework is a project to add collaboration tools to the popular Eclipse development environment. These tools range from text-based chat to upcoming Voice over Internet Protocol support. The OSL hosts Concurrent Versions System and development environments for the Eclipse Communication Framework team.

The Enlightenment project is best known for the Enlightenment window manager. The OSL hosts two servers for Enlightenment.

The Etherboot Project creates network booting code that allows computers to load their operating system from a network. Etherboot code can be stored in a number of places, including BIOS Flash, EPROMs, floppy, CD, HD or other bootable media. The OSL hosts two co-located servers for the Etherboot project, which include Web, testing and development services.

Fedora Project
The Fedora Project is a community with the primary purpose of leading the advancement of free, open software and content. Fedora, the operating system, is the Fedora Project's flagship product. The OSL is hosting Fedora test servers, proof of concept hosts and other ad-hoc needs that Fedora often runs into during the course of building a new Fedora release.

FOSSBazaar is an open community launched by Hewlett-Packard and founding partners. As a workgroup of the Linux Foundation, they are dedicated to understanding the issues that exist with free and open source software. This initiative serves the open source community as a forum representative of open source users and providers worldwide. The OSL hosts the FOSSBazaar website.

FOSSology is an open source project built around an open and modular architecture for analyzing software. FOSSology analyzes a given set of software packages and reports items such as the software licenses and families of software licenses used by these packages. The FOSSology project is planning to create a public repository with extensive software license analysis and other reports about open source software. The OSL hosts Web services, the build/packaging environment and the public repository for FOSSology.

Gentoo Foundation
Gentoo Linux is a distribution built on a customizable foundation, allowing users to build a Linux system exactly the way they need it. The Gentoo community was the first hosted client of the OSL, and still claims many servers and development platforms here. Some of the services hosted here include their main developer host, bugs, forums, amd64 development, sparc development, hppa development, itanium development, alpha development and ppc64 development.

GNOME Hispano
GNOME Hispano is the Spanish GNOME users and developers association, mainly devoted to spread the GNOME environment to Spanish-speaking people. The OSL helps GNOME Hispano by hosting their main servers.

GOSCON is the premier annual Government Open Source Conference organized by the OSL. A national conference designed for government IT management, the mission of GOSCON is to provide leading-edge education and a forum for cross-agency collaboration among government consortia. GOSCON also helps public sector entities evaluate the benefit of utililzing open and community-source methodologies for custom software development.
The infrastructure is designed to facilitate the development of open source software on handheld and wearable computers. They have been most noted for allowing PDA users everywhere to run Linux on many PDA models. The OSL hosts an infrastructure cluster for (Web, CVS, FTP, NFS and more) that has a sister cluster at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The lab also hosts a development cluster of iPaq handheld PDAs and skiff computers.

Inkscape is an open source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to those of Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. Inkscape also aims to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development. The OSL is responsible for hosting a Virtual Machine which hosts the Inkscape website, wiki and various development builds.

Jenkins is the leading open source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any and every project. The OSL provides both primary and secondary mirroring infrastructure along with virtualized machines to help the Jenkins development community. is the main collaboration point for the Linux operating system kernel. also runs a major mirror site that is pushed from their site at the OSL. The lab also hosts the front end and statistical server for the site.

Kerneltrap is a website publishing news and information about operating system kernels and internals. Although there is a heavy focus on the Linux kernel, there is information about all other operating systems as well. The OSL hosts the Kerneltrap website, utilizing our own database infrastructure in the back end.

Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation promotes, protects and standardizes Linux. To achieve these tasks, the Linus Foundation provides legal services to Linux developers, collaborates on the Linux Standards Base, hosts events for the Linux community and responds in the press to competitors' attacks on Linux. The OSL hosts the Linux Foundation's infrastructure including websites, email and development machines.

Linux Fund
Linux Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides financial and advisory support to the free and open software community. Linux Fund has given away over $750,000 to open source events and development since its founding in 1999 using funds raised through its line of credit cards and direct donations. The OSL hosts the Linux Fund website.

LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. They offer mailing lists, educational courses and conference meetups for people interested in promoting the growth of Linux use by women. The OSL is happy to host the server, sponsored by Intel Corporation.

LinuxLookup is a site providing reviews, articles, howtos, and a general community around Linux. From their site, they are "Your source for Linux News, Reviews, HOWTOs, Guides & Gear". We host the server that runs

MeeGois an open source Linux-based platform that is capable of running on multiple computing devices, including handsets, netbooks, tablets, connected TVs and in-vehicle infotainment systems. It is a Linux Foundation project that brings the Moblin and Maemo projects together in a single platform. The OSL hosts the infrastructure for the MeeGo project.

Mozillazine is a site devoted to users and developers of Mozilla applications. Here you can find third-party news reporting, user forums and developer blogs from Mozilla devs. The OSL has helped Mozillazine to build a cluster that stands up to the needs of this growing community. Mozillazine is independent of the Mozilla Foundation.

MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public. MusicBrainz aims to be the ultimate source of music information and the universal lingua franca for music.
The OSL hosts the main public mirror of the MusicBrainz Database. exists to promote FOSS development though providing system administration support as well as mentoring of new FOSS system administrators. They provide project hosting for various embedded projects such as OpenEmbedded, WebOS Internals and NSLU2 Linux. The OSL hosts the production virtualization servers for all the projects hosts.

The NovaPorts team provides access to operating systems and utilities on portable devices in a manner that fully respects the intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks and other interests of the developers of those operating systems and utilities.
NovaPorts believes that if you buy a piece of hardware, it's yours and you should be able to run whatever you want on it that you have legally obtained. To make that possible, NovaPorts intends to provide useful ports beginning with the Nook Color. The OSL hosts most of the NovaPorts project sites via the project.

The NSLU2-Linuxproject is aimed to provide information and support to those people wishing to use Linux and custom firmware on the Linksys NSLU2, the Synology DS101, the Iomega NAS100d, the D-Link DSMG600 and other ixp4xx-based devices with large attached storage. This project is a favorite of many OSL student employees, as these are often inexpensive household Linux servers. We have gone from project fans to project supporters, hosting their public-facing sites. The OSL hosts most of the NSLU2-Linux sites via the project.

One Laptop Per Child
The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative is creating an inexpensive laptop so that every child in the world can own one. The OSL is developing the multimedia functionality of the laptop, including video and audio playback. The lab is also hosting the OLPC support forums located at

Open and Free Technology Community
The Open and Free Technology Community (OFTC) is an Internet Relay Chat network that aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires. The OSL hosts a node of the OFTC IRC network.

Open Clip Art Library
The Open Clip Art project is an archive of user-contributed clip art that can be freely used. The OSL hosts the project's website and downloads.

Open Font Library
The Open Font Library is a sister project of the Open Clip Art Library for sharing public domain fonts. The OSL hosts the project's website and downloads.

Open Source Digital Voting Foundation
The OSDV Foundation is building an open source election technology framework for adoption and deployment by U.S. jurisdictions nationwide. The Open Source Lab hosts websites for the foundation, the development servers for the TrustTheVote Project and application servers for their partner RockTheVote’s voter registration project.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, or OSGeo, is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data. The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community.

OpenEmbedded is the build framework for embedded Linux. OpenEmbedded offers a best-in-class cross-compile environment and allows developers to create a complete Linux distribution for embedded systems. The OSL hosts most of their projects sites via the project.

OpenMRS is a community-developed, open source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework. In addition to hosting, the OSL currently manages Subversion repositories for the OpenMRS medical record system application and many of its add-on modules and affiliated projects. is a free, cross-platform office application suite that includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and math software. The OSL provides hosting for build and development servers for, along with a bouncer server that helps ensure the availability of downloads across their global mirror network.

Oregon State Linux Users Group
The OSLUG is a student-driven Linux Users Group at OSU. The Linux Users Group Web server is hosted at the OSL.

Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages. Parrot currently hosts a variety of language implementations in various stages of completion, including Tcl, Javascript, Ruby, Lua, Scheme, PHP, Python, Perl 6, APL and a .NET bytecode translator. The OSL hosts the Parrot website, code repository and development site. We also host Parrot downloads on our FTP mirror.

Participatory Culture Foundation
The Participatory Culture Foundation was founded in 2005 with a mission to build tools and services that give people more ways to engage in their culture. The OSL hosts the downloads for the Miro video player, a part of the foundation’s platform for open media.

Plone is a ready-to-run content management system that is built on the powerful and free Zope application server. Plone is easy to set up and extremely flexible and provides users with a system for managing Web content that is ideal for project groups, communities, websites, extranets and intranets. The OSL provides hosting for a plone development box that hosts their version control system,, as well as, which aggregates developer blog entries.

PPCKernel and PenguinPPC
The PPCKernel and sites host informational resources for the PowerPC code of the Linux kernel. The sites host code and mailing lists pertaining to PowerPC. The OSL hosts both of these sites on (appropriately) PPC hardware.

The Sahana Software Foundation manages community development of humanitarian free and open source software projects that address common coordination challenges in disaster management.

Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Software in the Public Interest (SPI) is a nonprofit organization that was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software. They are most noted for the role they play as a foundation unit for the Debian Linux distribution. The OSL hosts core infrastructure for the SPI foundation.

TeachEngineering is a digital library of K-12 math and science curriculum. The library infrastructure is implemented entirely on Linux, is built with open source system development tools and is itself available under the General Public License. The library is hosted by the OSL and indexed by the National Science Foundation's National Science Digital Library (

Tillikum is an open source housing information management system designed to provide a Web interface application for the daily operations managed by housing services. It is initially intended to facilitate assignment and auto allocation, room/space management, billing, conduct process and records and conference scheduling. The OSL is hosting a virtual machine providing the website and development resources for the Tillikum project.

Trinity Rescue Kit
Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) is a free, live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. The OSL hosts a download mirror of all TRK files. The mirror is located at:

TriSano™ is an open source, citizen-focused surveillance and outbreak management system for infectious disease, environmental hazards and bioterrorism attacks. It allows local, state and federal entities to track, control and ultimately prevent illness and death. The OSL hosts the TriSano automated testing environment.

VectorLinux is a small, fast Linux operating system for Intel, AMD and x86 compatible systems, based on one of the original Linux distributions, Slackware. The OSL hosts VectorLinux's primary distribution mirror.

WebDAV stands for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote Web servers. The OSL provides a virtual machine that hosts the main website as well as The projects hosted include: cadaver (a WebDAV client), DAVLib (a C++ WebDAV library for MacOS), Goliath (a web authoring tool for MacOS and OS X using WebDAV), mod_dav (a WebDAV module for Apache), neon (a C HTTP and WebDAV library) and PerlDAV (a Perl WebDAV library).

WebOS Internals
WebOS Internals is a group of developers dedicated to the pursuit of an open environment of sharing information, code and documentation related to Palm's webOS operating system. WebOS Internals is also the main coordination body for the open standard homebrew ecosystem of applications, patches, themes, plugins, services and Linux utilities for webOS devices. At the leading edge of application development, WebOS Internals has pioneered techniques such as NPAPI browser plugins, Java and C native services and hybrid applications. The OSL hosts most of their project sites via the project.

The Xiph.Org Foundation is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. They develop free media formats, including the Ogg Vorbis music and Ogg Theora video formats. The OSL hosts development and infrastructure systems for the Xiph team.

Yum is a package installer/remover for RPM-based systems, and does all the work to calculate dependencies for packages that users want to install or remove. Yum is the default package manager for RedHat Enterprise, Fedora and CentOS Linux distributions. The OSL hosts the website, ticket tracker, code repositories and mailing lists for Yum. In addition to Yum, the OSL is also hosting development sites for yum-utils, a collection of utilities and scripts built around Yum, and createrepo, the program that creates metadata used in package repositories (supported by Yum, APT-RTM, Red Carpet, Smart, up2date and Yast).