The OSL offers support services to the world's leading open source projects as part of its mission to contribute to the growth of open source software by promoting promising projects, building connections between industry and the public sector and training the next generation of open source innovators. The support we receive in turn from our partners allows us to advocate for open source around the world. The lab is a nonprofit organization supported by gifts from those who share our ambition to place open source tools in the hands of government, corporations, business owners and students to help them work and learn more efficiently and collaboratively.
Generous support from industry partners has been essential to help us make the impact we've had on open source — as have gifts from individuals who want to support the rise of open source and those who benefit from the software we host and develop. To join the OSL in shaping the future of open source and promoting software that people around the world can create together and use together, make a gift to the lab through the OSU Foundation.
Use the form at the side of this page to begin the donation process. You will be taken to the OSU Foundation's secure website to complete the online donation. You can also phone a contribution to the OSU Foundation at (800) 354-7281 and specify that your gift is for the Open Source Lab in Information Services. To speak with someone at the OSL about how your contributions are used, please call (541) 737-9900 or email
If you would like to learn more about donating to the OSL, please read our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions.
Featured Donors: Why do we give to OSUOSL?
The OSL collaborates with people and companies around the world. As a result, the lab has active supporters that range from corporate giants to individuals who love open source. Our partnership with Google has resulted in contributions totaling $1.9 million since 2005. This confidence in the lab’s potential as an investment in the future of open source has helped us expand our impact and improve our hosting and development services using new, collaborative strategies. Below are words from Google’s Chris DiBona and two of our other supporters on why they are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the OSL’s mission.
Chris DiBona, Google Open Source Programs manager
“Oregon State’s Open Source Lab provides world-class services that enable collaboration among millions of users globally. Google is proud to continue its support of such an innovative program.”
Angela Byron ("webchick"), Drupal 7 co-maintainer
"The OSU Open Source Lab has been instrumental in the growth and stability of, the official website and development collaboration hub for the Drupal content management platform. When we outgrew our old hosting back in 2005, OSL graciously stepped in to provide us with top-notch hosting facilities and skilled systems administrators, always willing to share their knowledge and expertise. OSL has kept our home stable and running smoothly to this very day, despite our community exploding to almost triple its size since when we began our relationship, and increased system requirements from our development activity. I'm extremely proud to donate to the OSL to support the amazing work they do, not just in hosting and supporting the infrastructure for Drupal, but for many other key open source projects and communities. Rock on!"
John Hawley ("Warthog9"), chief administrator
"I donate to OSUOSL because they provide one of the most important services the open source community can have: hosting. It's great that our code is Free (as in speech), but hosting is Free (as in beer). I give to make sure that our future is secure and that they don't turn my boxes off by mistake." [Ed. note: We would never do that!]
Original picture by Terriko