OSUOSL Advisory Council
Featuring industry leaders from global open source projects and commercial vendors, the Oregon State University Open Source Lab's Advisory Council assists the OSL with its overall strategy, service development and outreach to industry partners.
The OSL's advisors help the lab hone its services for open source communities worldwide while creating more opportunities for Oregon State students in real-world technology development environments.
The Open Source Lab Advisory Council includes:
Dries Buytaert: Buytaert is the original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source Web publishing and collaboration platform. Buytaert serves as president of the Drupal Association, a nonprofit organization formed to help Drupal flourish. He is also co-founder and chief technology officer of Acquia, a venture-backed software company that offers products and services for Drupal.
Marie Deatherage: Deatherage is the director of communications and learning at the Meyer Memorial Trust. A longtime program officer for the trust, she has participated in numerous open source projects and events. Deatherage also serves on the board of directors at Free Geek, a nonprofit community organization that recycles used technology to provide computers, education, Internet access and job skills training to those in need.
Chris DiBona: DiBona is the open source programs manager at Google. With his team, DiBona supports the open source community through initiatives including the Google Summer of Code program and the release of open source software projects and patches. In his role DiBona facilitated the contribution of $750,000 in grants from Google to the Open Source Lab over the last three years.
Justin Erenkrantz: Erenkrantz is a member of The Apache Software Foundation. From 2005 to 2010, he served on the board of directors as well as serving as treasurer (2005-2007) and president (2007-2010). He has been a longtime contributor to the Apache HTTP Server, Subversion, APR, Serf, mod_mbox and flood. He is also chief technology officer of Project WBS and received his doctoral degree from the University of California, Irvine.
Greg Kroah-Hartman: A fellow at the Linux Foundation, Kroah-Hartman is a maintainer of the Linux kernel, the core of the open source Linux operating system. His responsibilities include the USB, driver core, sysfs and debugfs portions of the kernel as well as serving on the stable Linux kernel release team. As a Linux Foundation fellow, Kroah-Hartman is heavily involved with initiatives to advance Linux. He also created and maintains the Linux Driver Project and is the author of numerous articles and books on Linux development.
Jason McKerr: McKerr is currently the vice president of engineering at Puppet Labs, a Portland, Ore., start-up focused on the development of the Information Technology automation software Puppet. McKerr has worked extensively as a developer and development manager in both the public and private sectors. In the past, McKerr has served as vice president of information systems at InsightsNow, vice president of operations at JanRain and co-founder and operations manager of the OSU Open Source Lab.
Allison Randal: Randal is the former chief architect and lead developer of the open source project Parrot. She serves on the board of directors for the Perl Foundation and for the Python Software Foundation and is chairman of the Parrot Foundation and founder and president of Onyx Neon Press. She also worked for O'Reilly Media as chair of its annual Open Source Covention from 2004 to 2010.