We offer many services to developers and our hosted projects. For support on these services, see the Get Support page.
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ServicesWe offer many services to developers and our hosted projects. For support on these services, see the Get Support page.
Managed and Unmanaged HostingOur hosting support staff understands open source software, and matched with our carrier grade facilities we offer the perfect hosting environment for your project. We offer both managed and unmanaged hosting at prices lower than most hosting companies on the net. We are flexible and work to meet the needs of each individual client. If you have a server to host, need to purchase a server, or maybe even just a portion of a server, we can help. The rest of our services below are also available for you to lean on requiring less for you to administer in your own infrastructure. For requirements and to request hosting, see Get Support.FTP MirroringWe have a cluster of FTP servers behind the name with a total bandwidth close to 1 gigabit per second. Instead of pushing files and releases out from your own server, let us take care of the dirty work for you. For the current cluster status, see our FTP Map.Mail RelayingWe have a pair of local mail relays that OSL hosted servers can use to help relieve some of the pressure that mail can put on their servers. These relays do spam and virus filtering. Pass your outbound mail through, and contact us for inbound routing.DNS ManagementWe offer web-based DNS management and IP allocation through Maintain, a project developed by the OSL. To access maintain and make adjustments to your DNS or get an IP address from your vlan, visit (access required). For more information about the Maintain application itself and how you can use it for managing DNS, IP, and DHCP in your own organization, see MonitoringWe use Nagios to monitor our managed hosts and send alert pages when things go down. To access our Nagios instance, visit (access required).Cacti SNMP MonitoringCacti is setup to monitor the health of servers at the OSL via snmp. Statistics such as CPU usage, load, memory, network traffic, and more can all be monitored and historically tracked with Cacti. For our Cacti instance, visit (access required).DatabaseWe offer hosted MySQL accounts for our clients on a cluster of database servers. Contact us for new databases and accounts. For access to your database, we have phpMyAdmin installed at (access required).BackupsBackups are handled by a server with close to 10 terabytes of attached storage. This facility is meant for disaster recovery rather than data recovery. The difference means that we keep backups for a limited period of time, usually long enough to provide a couple of full sets that can be used to rebuild a server as opposed to recovering files from long ago. Backups are handled by the Dirvish application. For help with backups, see the Get Support page.PowerPC DevelopmentWe offer many resources for PowerPC developers. These resources range from dedicated PPC systems to those available for open developer accounts. See our PowerPC development site, for more information. |