The Oregon State University Open Source Lab provides custom hosting and mirroring services to the following open source projects and communities.
The Apache Software Foundation manages the development of many Open Source Software packages, most notably the Apache web server. The Open Source Lab provides hosting for portions of the ASF's operational infrastructure.
Aqsis is a high quality, photorealistic, 3D rendering solution. It complies with the Renderman® interface standard defined by Pixar. The OSL provides hosting for a server and a Xen virtual machine for handling the web, mail, and development needs of Aqsis.
Arklinux is a Linux desktop distribution designed to be easy enough for the linux newcomer to pick up and use. Hosted at the OSL is both the package build environment and the forward-facing services of arklinux (web, for example).
BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system. The BusyBox and uClibc development and public-facing sites are hosted by the OSL.
cAos is a Linux distribution optimized for desktop use and efficiency. They currently release for x86 and x86_64. This is one of the many applications produced by the caosity group. At the OSL we host the resources behind the cAos Linux distribution.
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers. We utilize cfengine here at the OSL and also provide file mirroring for cfengine releases.
Debian Linux is a distribution known for its stability and roots in the free software philosophy. Hosted at the OSL you will find the server for, along with some of their internal infrastructure. We also have development environments for MIPS, PPC, SPARC, and Alpha ports.
Drupal is a php based content management system (CMS) used in many installations worldwide, along with quite a few here at OSU. Drupal needed assistance with a webserver that was crippled under the load of its own popularity. With the financial help of Drupal's users, the OSL has built a cluster for Drupal's sites that can scale along with the growth of its userbase.
The Eclipse Communication Framework is a project to add collaboration tools to the popular Eclipse development environment. These tools range from text-based chat to upcoming VoIP support. The OSL hosts cvs and development environments for the ECF team.
The Enlightenment project is best known for the Enlightenment window manager. The OSL hosts two servers for Enlightenment.
Finnix is a self-contained, bootable Linux CD
distribution for system administrators, based on Debian. The OSL
provides the primary mirror for the Finnix CD images.
The Freenode IRC Network facilitates open collaboration for people worldwide. It is used by many Open Source projects as well as Oregon State University. The OSL hosts a webserver and a handful of IRC nodes for the Freenode network.
Gentoo Linux is a distribution built upon a customizable foundation, allowing you to build a Linux system exactly the way you need it. The Gentoo community was the first hosted client of the OSL, and still claim many servers and development platforms here. Some of the services hosted here include their main developer host, bugs, forums, amd64 development, sparc development, hppa development, itanium development, alpha development, and ppc64 development.
GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your Linux or UNIX computer. GNOME is used in a variety of linux distributions as the default desktop environment for its ease of use. At the OSL we help the GNOME project with remote system monitoring of their infrastructure via a Nagios server.
GOSCON is the premier annual Government Open Source Conference organized by the OSU Open Source Lab. A national conference designed for government IT management , the mission of GOSCON is to provide leading edge education and a forum for cross-agency collaboration among government consortia. We also help public sector entities to evaulate the benefit of utililzing open and community-source methodologies for custom software development.
The infrastructure is designed to facilitate the development of Open Source software on handheld and wearable computers. They have been most noted for allowing PDA users everywhere to run Linux on many PDA models. The OSL hosts an infrastructure cluster for (web, cvs, ftp, nfs, and more) which has a sister cluster at MIT. We also host a development cluster of iPaq handheld PDA's and skiff computers.
Jaws is a content management system and framework used to create dynamic web sites. Written in PHP, it provides a simple yet powerful framework for developers to design their own modules. The OSL is provides web, development, and mailing list hosting for the Jaws Project.
KDE is a robust, easy to use yet powerful Linux Desktop Environment. The OSL provides hosting for some of KDE's websites: and We also help ease the distribution of the code behind KDE by serving as the node. is the main collaboration point for the Linux operating system kernel. The guys also run a major mirror site which is pushed from their site here at the OSL. We also host the front end and statistical server for the site.
Kerneltrap is a website publishing news and information about operating system kernels and internals. Although there is a heavy focus on the Linux kernel, there is information about all other operating systems as well. The OSL hosts the Kerneltrap website, utilizing our own database infrastructure in the backend.
LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. They offer mailing lists, educational courses, and conference meetups for people interested in promoting the growth of Linux use by Women. The OSL is happy to host the server, sponsored by Intel Corporation.
The Linux Foundation promotes, protects, and standardizes Linux. To achieve these tasks, the LF provides legal services to Linux developers, collaborates on the Linux Standards Base (LSB), hosts events for the Linux community, and responds in the press to competitors' attacks on Linux. The OSL hosts the Linux Foundation's infrastructure including web sites, email, and development machines.
LinuxLookup is a site providing reviews, articles, howtos, and a general community around Linux. From their site, they are "Your source for Linux News, Reviews, HOWTOs, Guides & Gear". We host the server that runs
Mozdev offers hosting and project resources for projects related to the Mozilla suite of applications. The OSL hosts a webserver for the Mozdev team. Mozdev is independent of the Mozilla Foundation.
The Mozilla Foundation produces cross-platform Open Source Software such as the popular Firefox Web Browser and Thunderbird Mail Client. We host a cluster of servers that serve daily update checks for every Firefox installation worldwide, along with the popular Mozilla sites and is a site devoted to users and developers of Mozilla applications. Here you can find third-party news reporting, user forums, and developer blogs from Mozilla devs. The OSL has helped Mozillazine to build a cluster that stands up to the needs of this growing community. Mozillazine is independent of the Mozilla Foundation.
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. For example, the MusicBrainz Tagger can automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags in your MP3 collections. The OSL hosts the main public mirror of the MusicBrainz database.
MythTV is a homebrew PVR (Personal Video Recorder) project. Given the open nature of the project, it can be expanded to serve a variety of kiosk-like uses.
The NSLU2-Linux project is aimed to provide information and support to those people wishing to use Linux and custom firmware on the Linksys NSLU2, the Synology DS101, the Iomega NAS100d, the D-Link DSMG600, and other ixp4xx-based devices with large attached storage. This project is a favorite of many OSL student employees, as these are often inexpensive household Linux servers. We have gone from project fans to project supporters, hosting their public-facing sites.
The Open and Free Technology Community (OFTC) is an IRC network that aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires. The OSL hosts the "helium" node of the OFTC IRC network.
The One Laptop Per Child initiative is creating a $100 laptop so that every child in the world can own one. The OSL is developing the multimedia functionality of the laptop, including video and audio playback. We are also hosting the OLPC support forums located at
The Open Clip Art project is an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. The OSL hosts the project's web site and downloads.
The Open Font Library is a sister project of the Open Clip Art Library for sharing public domain fonts. The OSL hosts the project's web site and downloads.
OpenMRS is a community-developed, open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework. The OSL hosts the project's development site which includes a Trac instance and Subversion code repository at is a free, cross platform Office application suite that includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and math software. OSL provides hosting for build and development servers for, along with a Bouncer server that helps ensure the availability of downloads across their global mirror network.
The OSLUG is a student driven Linux Users Group here at OSU. The LUG's webserver is hosted here at the OSL.
The OSL hosts the downloads for the Miro video player, a part of PCF's platform for open media.
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. The OSL uses PHP in many of its own applications, as do other OSL clients. In turn, we are happy to host a secondary mail relay server for the PHP infrastructure.
phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable Open Source bulletin board package, and is possibly the most popular web forum package used on the net today. We are proud to provide hosting for the phpBB web server.
Plone is a ready-to-run content management system that is built on the powerful and free Zope application server. Plone is easy to set up, extremely flexible, and provides you with a system for managing web content that is ideal for project groups, communities, web sites, extranets and intranets. The OSL provides hosting for a plone development box which hosts their version control system, as well as which aggregates developer blog entries.
The PPCKernel and sites hosts informational resources for the PowerPC code of the Linux kernel. The sites host code and mailing lists pertaining to PowerPC. We host both of these sites on (appropriately) PPC hardware.
RPM is the package management system used by many Linux distributions including RedHat Enterprise, Fedora, SUSE, CentOS, Mandriva, and many others. The RPM format is also part of the Linux Standards Base. We host the web site, ticket tracker, code repository, and mailing lists.
Slackware calls itself "The original Linux distribution, geared towards power and stability." Slackware makes use of the OSL's rsync infrastructure to distribute its packages to the rest of the worldwide Slackware mirror network.
SPI is a non-profit organization which was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software. They are most noted for the role they play as a foundation unit for the Debian Linux distribution. At the OSL you will find core infrastructure for the Software in the Public Interest foundation.
TeachEngineering is a digital library of K-12 math and science curriculum. The library infrastructure is implemented entirely on Linux, is built with open source system development tools and is itself available under the GPL. The library is hosted by OSU's Open Source Lab and indexed by NSF's National Science Digital library (
Tillikum is an open source housing information management system designed to provide a web interface application for the daily operations managed by housing services. It is initially intended to facilitate assignment and auto allocation, room/space management, billing, conduct process and records, and conference scheduling. The OSL is hosting a virtual machine providing the web site and development resources for the Tillikum project.
VectorLinux is a small, fast, Linux operating system for Intel, AMD and x86 compatible systems, based on one of the original Linux distributions, Slackware. The OSL hosts VectorLinux's primary distribution mirror.
The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. They develop free media formats, including the Ogg Vorbis music and Ogg Theora video formats. The OSL hosts development and infrastructure systems for the Xiph team.
Yum is a package installer/remover for RPM-based systems, and does all the work to calculate dependencies for packages that you want to install or remove. Yum is the default package manager for RedHat Enterprise, Fedora and CentOS Linux distributions. The OSL hosts the website, ticket tracker, code repositories and mailing lists for Yum. In addition to Yum, the OSL is also hosting development sites for yum-utils, a collection of utilities and scripts built around yum, and createrepo, the program which creates metadata used in package repositories (supported by yum, apt-rpm, red-carpet, smart, up2date, and yast).